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    Betting Systems Generators Ver. 6 ----------------- Classical ( betting on the same odds )
    Scope of Classical Betting System Generator: This generator is suitable for all bettors. It is ideal for those who do not complete the required number of correct predictions, in order to be profitable, by greatly reducing the required number of their successes and respectively increasing their hopes to win in any betting system.. It is also the perfect system for Bankroll management of professional bettors because it leading them rapidly into dreamy profits. You will find instructions about Classical Betting systems Generator at the bottom of the Calculator.
    Complete all fields below , with your own data
    Your next stakes
    £ $ ¥
    Bankroll Progress
    Odds Format:
    # of bet Amount to bet Stake Liability of your stake Bankroll after lose Bankroll after win
    Bet Type:
    Commission if exists (otherwise 0.00%):
    The percentage without symbol
    Current Bankroll (ONLY after winning bet):
    Targeted Bankroll:
    How much attempts needed to win one bet at the odds above:
    Max. 50
    Scenario for example: In our example, we ask the initial capital of 100 Euro to reach 100,000 Euros, if we succeed not to lose 5 continuous bets with decimal odds of 3. In our example it has been estimated commission 5%. If we do not lose in 5 continuous bets, we will reach for sure our goal in 128 total bets (winners and losers). Create your own system, replacing your data into the above fields.
    Based on completed above, in order to reach your goal, you will need a total of: bets (winners and losers)
    Statistical probability to win the selected odds:
    Increasing probabilities to win using Classical Betting Systems Generator:
    The statistical probability to reach your goal, based on the above conditions is:
    Until you have completed the entire betting system, you will get to your last attempt: times
    You will come across your last attempt, once in: bets
    Find your Bankroll after specific bets (Winners and Losers)
    Replace the number of bets below, on what you want to calculate
    Compared with the current situation, after (replace) bets , your bankroll will be
    INSTRUCTIONS for the Classical Betting Systems Generator
    The Bankroll management with the Classic Betting Systems Generator is used when you bet on events that have the same odds.
    The bets , carried out in the order, starting from the first.
    Do not you start a new bet, if It's not finished the event of the previous bet
    As you lose, you follow the suggested stakes in their turn without making any calculations.
    ONLY when you win, recalculate your data, changing only the amount of the current Bankroll.
    The amounts of new stakes recalculated. Keep on the process in the same way.
    If all of your bets have the same odds , and your losers bets is within the limits of loses that have defined above, you will complete the system with accurately in the steps which have been calculated.
    Betting Systems - Betting Calculators by©