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    Betting Systems Generators Ver. 6.0 ----------------- Bankroll Manager
    Scope of Bankroll Manager : Independent application for secure management of your Bankroll. Because nobody ever wins, you have to be ready when something goes wrong. The application shall distribute your Bankroll in such a way that you're always a winner if you win once from chosen attempts below. The individual shares are played in whatever way you want (aggressive or conservative) of all those you provided in our website. Your goal is to increase one of the individual shares to the percentage that you specify below, betting under the instructions you will find at the bottom of the calculator.
    Complete all fields below , with your own data
    Division of Bankroll into individual shares
    £ $ ¥
    Your bankroll divided into the following individual shares. It's enough to reach your goal in one of them, starting from the first.
    Current Bankroll (ONLY after winning a system):
    Bankroll progress
    Targeted Bankroll:
    Bankroll Division Starting share Goal of share Bankroll after lose Bankroll after win
    Asking growth of your Bankroll by sub-step or sub-system :
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    How much attempts needed to win one step to ensure the above increase: Max. 50
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    Scenario for example: In our example, we ask the initial bankroll of 100 Euros to reach 100,000 Euros, if once in 3 Increase the amount of one of the 3 individual Bankrolls by 50%. If we do not lose in 3 betting systems-steps in a row, we will surely get to our goal of a total of 259 betting systems-steps (winners and losers). Replace the data in the example with your own.
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    Based on completed above, in order to reach your goal, you will need a total of: Systems-steps (winners and Losers)
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    The statistical probability to reach your goal, based on the above conditions is:
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    Until you have completed the entire betting system, you will get to your last attempt: times
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    You will come across in your last attempt, once each: Systems - Steps
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    Find your Bankroll after specific steps
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    Replace the number of steps below on what you want to calculate
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    Compared with the current situation, after (replace) steps
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    ,,,your bankroll will be
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    Under the conditions completed in the appropriate fields above, your bankroll is divided into individual shares , those wagered on independent betting systems.
    It is sufficient to complete one of them (to increase the percentage you specified) to proceed with your betting system into profit, until you reach your goal.
    The shares wagered independently to separate betting systems in turn, starting from the first. If you lose the first, you go to the next betting system with his proportionate share.
    Recalculate , ONLY when you get to the goal in any of the individual shares, changing only the amount of available bankroll to the new amount.
    Continue in the same way until you reach your final goal.
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